The debt supercycle is a simple idea: Sound economic policy requires deficit spending and stimulus efforts to stop financial crises and restore economic growth. 债务超级周期的概念很简单:有效的经济政策需要赤字支出和刺激性措施来阻止金融危机、恢复经济增长;
Many Republicans, meanwhile, remain skeptical of a big boost in deficit spending, and oppose anything that smacks of a tax hike. 与此同时,许多共和党人仍然对奥巴马刺激计划大举增加赤字开支的做法表示怀疑,反对任何试图加税的措施。
But in his 2008 run for office, then-Sen. Barack Obama said stopping the deficit spending is the first step to recovery. 但是在其2008年竞选之时,当时还是参议员的贝拉克奥巴马说,停止赤字开销是恢复经济的第一步。
Deficit spending and aggressive money-printing, on the other hand, can help a lot. 反过来讲,政府背负赤字去花钱,以及大手笔地印钱却有很大帮助。
The global fall in demand calls on them to engage in public deficit spending. 全球需求下滑,要求它们参与公共赤字支出。
And I was among a great chorus out on the hustings speaking out against this consistent and constant deficit spending. 我与一大伙人在竞选台上,一致声言反对习以为常的赤字开支。
Many euro countries have ample fiscal space and should wield deficit spending as a tool to counter slow growth or recession. 很多欧元区国家拥有充足的财政空间,应当将赤字开支当作一种工具,以遏制缓慢增长或衰退。
Many other countries face the paradox of having to sustain deficit spending right now but save more over time. 其它许多国家都面临者一个矛盾:眼下不得不保持赤字支出,但长期而言则须增加储蓄。
We can argue about whether the ends justify the means ( i.e. deficit spending) but the public can grasp the need for such a mechanism. 我们可以就是否应该只问目的不问手段(也就是说赤字开支)进行争论,但公众能够理解采取这类措施的必要性。
New economic theories regarding the effects of deficit spending. 关于赤字开支效应的新经济学理论。
Such a move to cut exposure to government debt would fit with the public comments of Mr Gross, an outspoken critic of both the US deficit spending and quantitative easing measures employed by the Federal Reserve and of other central banks. 削减对美国政府债务敞口的举措,符合格罗斯的公开言论。他是美国赤字支出与美联储(Fed)及其它国家央行出台的定量宽松措施的坦率批评者。
Mr Zoellick suggests a "vulnerability fund" a mechanism to channel money from wealthy countries to poorer ones to help them to finance deficit spending during the recession. 佐立克提议设立一个“脆弱基金”(vulnerabilityfund),将资金从富裕国家引向较贫穷国家,帮助后者在衰退期间为赤字开支提供融资。
However, the long term cost of this health care bill, on top of all the other deficit spending, represents an enormous fiscal burden for this country. 但是这个新法案会造成长期的高成本,再加上本来已经高额的其他财政赤字,这将会对美国带来非常巨大的财政负担。
Second, it would discourage the US government from deficit spending and prevent skyrocketing government debts. 第二,这将劝阻美国政府寅吃卯粮,防止政府债务猛增。
After all, more government deficit spending means higher corporate profits, other things being equal. 毕竟,在其他条件相同的情况下,政府的赤字性支出越大,企业的利润就越高。
Rising above the drumbeat of worries about US deficit spending and monetisation of debt, one question looms: "if China and other nations will not keep buying record amounts of US Treasuries, who will?" 在对美国赤字开支和债务货币化的一片忧虑论调中,一个问题逐渐进入视野:“如果中国和其它国家不再大举买入美国国债,那么谁来购买?”
Some deficit spending will counteract export losses in the short term. 一些赤字开支将在短期内抵销出口损失。
Ever since the Reagan years, the Republicans have been the party of deficit spending. 自里根执政以来,共和党一直奉行赤字支出的政策。
Any good done by deficit spending can be lost to retrenchment by private employers. 赤字支出带来的任何好处,都可能被私营企业的紧缩所抵消。
The federal government pulled the plug on deficit spending ( Christian Science Monitor) 联邦政府取消了对赤字开支的全部限制(基督教科学箴言报)
Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. 赤字开支只是一个没收财产的计谋。
Paying for this would require huge tax increases, massive deficit spending or the elimination of every other federal programme, he reckons. 为这些买单就要以很多东西为代价:高额增税,巨大的赤字或者其他联邦计划的消失,他预料。
For one, there is little consensus among economists whether deficit spending even works. 一方面,经济学家对于赤字开支是否奏效意见不一。
In times of high unemployment, creditworthy governments should expand demand by deficit spending. 在高失业率时期,可信度良好的政府应该通过赤字开支扩大需求。
In normal times, deficit spending is like adding water to a glass that is already full. 在正常时期,赤字支出就像往一个已斟满水的杯子里加水。
Yes, fiscal policy counts, but the debate commonly framed between "austerity" ( more deficit reduction) and "growth" ( more deficit spending) is a serious distraction to the survival of the currency union. 没错,财政政策很重要,但辩论通常被框定在“紧缩”(加大削减赤字)与“增长”(加大赤字支出)之间,这对货币联盟的生存是一个严重干扰。
After the deficit spending and quantitative easing used to revive the economies of the advanced world in recent years these topics are toxic. 在发达国家近年用赤字支出和量化宽松来重振经济之后,这些话题已变得令人反感。
We are saying that when push comes to shove, promoting its bonds to its citizens is inevitably what the US will do, since it has done so in every other crisis of deficit spending. 我们说的是,在迫不得已的情况下,向公众推销公债将是美国的必然选择,因为在过去的每一场赤字开支危机中,美国都是这么做的。
Even if deficit spending did add to the glass, the Fed would avoid the spill by jacking up interest rates. 即使赤字支出真的要往杯子加水,也需要美联储(fed)通过加息来避免水溢出。